11 Students of Daffodil International University gets Full Scholarship in Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam
With full study scholarship, a team of 11 students of the Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering (NFE) of Daffodil International University (DIU) are now studying at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) in Vietnam to complete a two month-long Internship at the Department of Food Technology & Bio-Technology. It’s an initiative under the student exchange agreement between Daffodil International University and IUH aims at create an opportunity for the students to explore Industrial innovations and practical knowledge in the area of food and biotechnology.
Dr. Nguyen Thien Tue, Rector of IUH, Dr Nguyen Chi Hieu, Vice-Rector, Dr. Dam Sao Mai, Director of Office of Science Management and International Affairs, Dr. Le Ngoc Son, Director of Office of Post Graduate Management & Dr. Nguyen Ba Thanh, Director of Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology welcomed DIU delegation at IUH on September 06, 2019 and conducted a meeting to discuss future collaborative plans. Mr. Mohamed Emran Hossain, Director, Administration & Member, Board of Trustees, DIU and Dr. Amir Ahmed, Associate Head of Department of NFE led the delegation during the meeting and exchanged token of appreciation with IUH top officials.
Caption: Full Scholarship winning 11 students of Daffodil International University (DIU) along with Dr. Nguyen Thien Tue, Rector of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) in Vietnam and Mr. Mohamed Emran Hossain, Director (Administration), DIU and Dr. Amir Ahmed, Associate Head of Department of NFE.