Daffodil Polytechnic Annual Picnic-2020 Held
The annual picnic of Daffodil Polytechnic was held on 26th February in the Shilpa Kunjo Resort in Gazipur. More than one thousand students took part in the Yearly Picnic with teachers and management staff. The entire event was organized by students with the support of teachers and staff. It was a colorful day with so many events. There were some sports events as well, like Cock-fight, Cricket, Swimming. Students attended the picnic with colorful T Shirt and enjoyed the beautiful natural environment. At the afternoon time there was a cultural program organized performed by Daffodil Polytechnic students/teachers. The day ended up with the Raffle-draw Mr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman, honorable CEO of the Daffodil family, and Mr. K M Hassan Ripon, the Principal of Daffodil Polytechnic, took part in the event with the students.