Teachers’ Training for quality enhancement by HRDI
Human Resource Development Institute (HRDI) organized an effective Teachers’ Training session on ‘Quality Enhancement’ for both Academic and Non-Academic personnel of Daffodil International School (DIS) and Daffodil International College (DIC) on 13 May 2019 at 71 Milonayaton, Daffodil Tower. The resource person of the session was Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman of Daffodil Family. Professor Dr. YM Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil Internationa University (DIU) had also shared his valuable thought on the importance of connectivity between students and teacher in classroom. Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman, CEO, Daffodil Family; Lt Col (LPR) Md. Zahirul Islam, Principal, DIC; Mrs. Shahana Khan, Founder Principal of DIS, Bangladesh, and Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hassan, Principal, DIS were also present as the conveners of the session. Ms. Rahima Mirza, In Charge, HRDI, welcomed all to the session. The Academic and Non-Academic personnel of DIC and DIS learned a lot from the session.