Clean and Dust Free Hygienic Movement in DIIT
Daffodil Institute of IT is continuously contributing to the social awareness program for the human kind and development. The clean and dust free movement program named “Clean DIIT” was inaugurated with the slogan ‘Clean environment, fresh mind’. The program was inaugurated
on 1 st December, 2019 at 10 am by the Helping Birds of DIIT, the organ organization of Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT).
DIIT is one of the leading institutions under national University science 2000, creating professional resources in the country and abroad. Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain, Principal, Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT) and respected Faculty members of all departments of the institute were present at that time and participated in the rally.
Organizers said such initiatives have been taken in an effort to raise awareness about the cleanliness of the students and create social responsibility. At that time, the Principal of the Institute Mohammed Shakhawat Hossain urged students that, cleanliness is part of Iman. A student is expected to not only take care of himself or herself about personal grooming but also care about the environment around them, in order to maintain Iman. Every religion pay emphasis on the cleanliness of mind and environment. It is an identity of a real student, to do it by own and create awareness among others.
After the inauguration announcement, a clean awareness rally started from the DIIT campus and
ended at Kalabagan-Panthapath and returned to campus. The students of DIIT then went on their own campus for cleanup, they cleaned the dirt in the vicinity of the beloved campus and said that the trend would continue to maintain clean DIIT in the future.