DIU is Organizing Coronathon-19: A Hackathon for Combating COVID-19
Besides the health and medication system, technology specially the AI based tools can play a vital role to fight against the current corona pandemic.Daffodil International University (DIU), Bangladesh is organizing the CoronaThon-19:A Hackathon for Combating COVID-19 all over the world during 02-04 May, 2020. Under this competition, students from Grade 10 to Post Graduation level will be eligible to compete online & solve the challenges brought on by the current pandemic.This initiative mainly aims to develop the best possible solutions to fight against the Corona pandemic and also engage the students in productive work during this lockdown period. It will also help them to think outside of the box towards the real challenges.
- $25,000 (BDT 20,00,000+) to implement the idea
- Each participant will get the online certificates
Registration deadline: April 30, 2020
For more information & registration: http://coronathon19.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
Facebook Event: https://web.facebook.com/events/225582935374215