How to be more positive and happy in life

How to be more positive and happy in life

There are numerous things that contribute to a person’s happiness, and various individuals have varied perspectives on what it means to be happy. The following things, in my opinion, are extremely crucial for happiness. This individual must be well-liked by others, have a large number of people prepared to assist him or her, and have a large number of close friends. As a result, I feel that making other people happy will make us happier since we can obtain these things.

1. Strive for satisfying others

People who are happy do not get their sense of self-worth from what other people think of them. Taking action merely to obtain a response from someone else, whether it’s chasing a job objective or making a big life decision, is a formula for disappointment.

People who are happy have a strong feeling of intrinsic value and self-worth. They value other people’s viewpoints… They don’t, however, get their worth and value from what others think of them.

2. Their work dominates their lives

People who are happy recognize the value of a healthy work-life balance. They don’t allow their workdays spill over into their nights, let alone weekends and vacations. “Life is busy for all of us,” Walfish adds, but happy individuals make time for themselves and their loved ones outside of work.

3. Focus on shortcomings

People that are happy learn from their errors and move on, focusing their efforts on something positive and fun. They try not to think about what went wrong, instead of returning to the same mistakes over and over.

Happy individuals are more focused on achievement than failure. Sometimes it comes naturally to them not to focus on the unpleasant aspects of their lives, and other times it comes through intentionally cultivating a positive thinking habit.

4. Discourage changes

While happy people are aware of what not to do, they did not become the well-adjusted, constantly satisfied individuals they are by slavishly adhering to a single method of doing things. Successful people who are happy are often adaptable, accepting of change, and prepared to roll with the punches when necessary.

“Humans have a natural reluctance to change,” writes Jacob Olesen, author of Easy Ways to Do Everything. “This is due to a fear of the unknown and a need to maintain control over their circumstances.” “Happier individuals, on the other hand, do not resist change, whether it is the end of a relationship, the start of new job, or the bodily changes that come with age. They don’t strive to cling to possessions that are no longer theirs.”

5. Try to persuade others to change

People who are happy accept responsibility for their own acts and where they are in life, but they do not demand others to change to fit their preferences.

Happy individuals understand that they have no influence over other people’s actions. They also understand that everyone need their own life experiences and that individuals change when they are ready.

A cheerful person is more inclined to tolerate the other person’s conduct and figure out how to work around it—or, if the other person’s behavior is truly bothersome, to attempt to avoid them entirely.

6. Concentrate on what they lack

Nobody has everything they desire, not even billionaires or Olympic athletes. There is always something else a person would like to achieve, no matter where they are in their work or life. However, although happy individuals work toward these goals, they focus on what they currently have rather than on what they need.

This ‘gratitude mindset’ tends to provide a really optimistic, positive outlook on life. Being in a position of thankfulness and appreciation, rather than looking at what others have or what you’still want to acquire,’ helps to encourage real happiness.

7. They ignore issues that disturb them

While most cheerful individuals don’t allow other people’s actions bother them, when something does, they will voice their displeasure rather than stew in silence. When it comes to employees, friends, and love relationships, this is true.

We will inevitably get upset with other people from time to time. The most essential thing is to be open about our difficulties, as this might make the difference between a happy person and someone who hides their sadness. There aren’t any remaining difficulties that haven’t been handled.

8. Don’t accept anything easily

So much of our sadness stems from our inability to change our existing circumstances. We reject the conditions we find ourselves in and wish things were different whenever we feel angry, unhappy, or disappointed. 

Our sadness is caused by our interpretation of the event and our response to it, not by the issue itself. We are all ready to blame the outside world for our difficulties and misery, yet a situation is only as awful as we perceive it to be. We may not be able to change the world, but we can alter our perceptions of it.

Take away

When we make other individuals happy, we get several rewards. For instance, we will be admired by others, and more people will be eager to assist us. We will also have more friends. These are extremely significant aspects of happiness. As a result, I’ve convinced myself that if we make other people happy, we’ll be happier as well.

Author’s Bio

Ahemed Shamim Ansary

Ahemed Shamim Ansary is an alumnus of the Department of English, DIU, and has a professional experience in the Education Industry, Administration, and HR for more than 10 years.

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