DIU conducts classes through online during vacation on Coronavirus
Aiming to protect coronavirus and abide by the order of keeping close all educational institutions by the Ministry of Education, Daffodil International University as well as all other 13 sister concerns of Daffodil Family all around Bangladesh have taken the initiative to continue classes through online. Teachers have started conducting classes through online using ‘Google Classroom’ for assignments and presentations, ‘Kahut.com’ for quizzes and ‘Google Meet’ platform for live classes. Though all physical face-to-face academic activities will remain close from 18 to 31 March 2020 but the university authority has taken a decision to continue all academic activities and classes through online and in this connection a notice was served among the students on 16 March 2020
The notice said that Students are advised to stay home and join the classes and academic activities through online system as per their scheduled time table without coming physically to the university premises. Student’s attendance will be taken in each class and all quizzes, assignments and presentations must be completed on time as per routine. Students are advised to communicate with their respective course teachers for online academic activities.
It may be mentioned here that Daffodil International University recognized as Digital University has the earlier experience of conducting classes through online platform during ‘Hartal’ and other calamities.