Spelling and Quiz Competitions
To keep the young minds cheerful with extracurricular activities, Daffodil International School organized a Spelling and Quiz Competition on 24 September, 2020. It was for the first time to arrange such grand competitions using the online platform during the pandemic period. Dr Md Mahmudul Hassan, respected Principal, DIS, Dhaka inaugurated the program. The program was divided into two parts. Spelling Competition and Quiz Competitions. There were two categories as well. Grade: 1 and 2 were in one category. Grade: 3-5 was in another category. Mr Abu Saleh Md.Hasan, respected AVP, Uttara and Ms Afroza Akter Labonno, Event in charge and Teacher, Uttara supervised the programme. All the contestants with their spirited performances made the event a success. . Our honourable Principal Madam, Shahana Khan has also attended that programme. After finishing the competitions, the result was declared and our honourable Principal Sir gave a speech to inspire the learners. It was an enjoyable experience for the audience during this pandemic situation.