Virtual to Physical Campus at Daffodil International College, Dhaka
On 24 June 2021, Daffodil International College organized an orientation program ‘Virtual to
Physical Campus’ for the students of Class XI at college campus on the occasion of submitting
Assignments given by Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka. Since they
are attending online classes from the very beginning of their admission, they have got a
glimpse of campus life through this program.
On this auspicious day, students were welcomed warmly by maintaining proper safety
measures. They also attended the program wearing masks and maintaining necessary
distance. All the teachers and officers were also present physically. College Campus took a
festive look and all the newcomers were amazed at the cordial reception.
K M Ripon Hasan, Executive Director, was present as Chief Guest in this program and
delivered his valuable and vigorous speech for the students. Md Shibly Shadik, Principal,
Daffodil International College, welcomed the freshers through his highly motivating speech.
The students were encouraged and advised to be more attentive to their studies and attend
classes regularly. The program ends with a high hope of joining physical class so that the college campus can be vibrant and lively once again.